The UConn Minority Business Development Advanced Manufacturing Center is a collaboration of multiple organizations in several northeastern states and Puerto Rico. The UConn MBDA Advanced Manufacturing Center provides Minority Business Enterprises (MBE’s) with business development and technical assistance services focused on the manufacturing sector.

Priority Activities for the UConn MBDA Advanced Manufacturing Center
- Recruitment of minority-owned farms
- Preliminary Assessment
- Referral of Clients to Advanced Manufacturing Resources
- Development of contact and finance opportunities
- Direct matching of opportunities with qualified clients
- Relationship management and deal sourcing initiatives
- Facilitating MBE growth through exports
- Identifying, matching and securing alternative sources of capital and financing
- Educating MBE’s on the benefits of strategic growth alternatives
- MBE advocacy
The UConn MBDA Advanced Manufacturing Center offers services to eligible clients through its operational partners – ConnStep, MaineMEP and PRiMEX.