Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP)

Organizations Serving Minority-Owned Businesses and Manufacturers

Greater New England Minority Supplier Development Council
The Greater New England Minority Supplier Development Council (GNEMSDC) advances business opportunities for certified Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American business enterprises and connects them to corporate members. One of the region’s leading corporate membership organizations, GNEMSDC was incorporated in 1975 to provide increased procurement and business opportunities for minority businesses of all sizes.
GNEMSDC is an affiliate of the National Minority Supplier Development Council. GNEMSDC is one of the 24 regional councils represented across the US territories. GNEMSDC serves the six (6) New England States: MA, CT, RI, ME, NH, and VT.

Connecticut Manufacturing Innovation Fund Voucher Program
Are you a growth-oriented manufacturer in need of specialized services to undertake innovative projects? Or are you looking for new ways to significantly improve productivity, efficiency and competitiveness in the global marketplace? If so, you’ll want to learn more about the Manufacturing Innovation Voucher Fund Program (MVP), which provides financial assistance to Connecticut manufacturers.
This targeted financial assistance for eligible manufacturers will be provided in the form of a matching grant from $5,000 to a maximum of $50,000. Applicants must match grant awards dollar for dollar. The program is administered on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible applicants.

Manufacturing Associations
Established in 1913, ManufactureCT (formerly NHMA, the New Haven Manufacturers Association) is an association whose members include manufacturers of all kinds, located throughout Connecticut. We believe manufacturing makes the future and is vital to our state’s future and we are committed to serve as a gateway to success and fulfillment in the industry. We collaborate across industry segments and beyond, to provoke about positive change through policy and legislation, education and workforce development, and developing and sharing best practices, all of which in service to elevating awareness of and enhancing conditions for, the manufacturing industry.

Eastern Advanced Manufacturing Alliance
EAMA is a proud Connecticut non-profit organization comprised of manufacturers, community, and industry partners working together toward a strong manufacturing future.

Smaller Manufacturers’ Association of Connecticut (SMA)
The mission of the Smaller Manufacturers’ Association of Connecticut (SMA) is to help its members to thrive and grow through communication, education, collaboration, and advocacy.
Minority Business Development Agency MBDA Business Centers
Massachusetts MBDA Business Center
Puerto Rico MBDA Business Center
Manhattan MBDA Business Center
Contact us at /phone 718.532.2930 or visit our office at 48 Wall St. 5th Floor #10.